World leader in innovation of drainage menuiseries
CSD Creation Systeme Diffusion is a company created in 2000 with the purpose to develop and commercialize proprietary systems or patented models for any openings. The company is 15 years old, however the design and the commercialization of our first product was made in the early 1970s by our founders the French pioneers in the use of aluminum Sun Room.
By the early 80s, the first models of Ball Valves were on the market. Our clients are exclusively the major European Window and Doors Companies. We have been working with the biggest names in industrial carpentry.
The systems we design are created from experience and solving problem analysis.
The drainage of openings (Window and Sliding doors). We are the inventors of the ball valves. We created new designs to adapt to different openings from our customer’s profiles. Nevertheless, we have a dozen of other drainage valves and flaps valves models for the interior or exterior. Today, we distribute more than one million drainage accessories, drainage nozzle, ball valves and weep hole flap cover, per year in Europe and all over the world. To our knowledge, we are the only company in Europe (and probably in the world) to have as a main activity the sales of drainage systems for openings and offering such a large panel of drainage products. We are proud to be present to date in many countries and all the continents either directly or via our distributors.
Today, we develop drainages internationally and continue to study the products with two main goals: quality and innovation.